Om Sakthi Stage
Situated on the highway in front of the Siddhar Peetam, is a stage with the mantra ‘Om Sakthi’ on it. The Soolam (trident) of the divine Mother is erected on this stage. Devotees first go around this stage thrice, and then enter the Peetam. As Adhiparasakthi is the supreme embodiment there are no Navagrahas (9 planets) as is usually found at other Hindu temples.
The Sanctum Sanctorum: faces the entrance where the Om Sakthi stage is located and holds the Swayambu and Mother's idol. Amma has revolutionised the concept of spirituality by allowing everybody irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language, nationality, social status, gender and education, to enter the sanctum sanctorum and perform the daily rituals and prayers to Mother Adhiparasakthi, including women during menstruation after having a bath.
This is where Amma gives Her Oracles. The divine energy resides in the snake pit in the form of a cobra to spread Her blessings at all times. To this day, She appears in snake-form before the devotees who stay in the mandapam (Hall) at nights.
Sanctum sanctorum
In the sanctum sanctorum, Mother Adhiparasakthi is seated on the Lotus Peedam. She showers her blessings sitting in the posture of folding the right leg and letting the left leg down. Keeping the left leg down signifies that Mother Adhiparasakthi has the highest place in everything. She holds a lotus bud in the right hand signifying gnana (wisdom) and keeps Chin mudra sign (Index finger touching the thumb and other fingers stretched out) in the left hand.And the Swayambu is situated right in front of Adhiparasakthi statue. Anointment (Abishekam) and Archana (pooja) are performed to Adhiparasakthi statue and Swayambu everyday.
Saptha Kanniyar Kovil (The Temple of the Seven Virgins)
To the right of putrumandapam is the temple of the seven virgins: Brahmi, Maheswari, Kowmari, Vaishnavi, Chamundi, Indrani and Varahi. As per the tradition, this particular temple is surrounded with four walls and no roof.
The Saptha Kanni temple in Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Siddhar Peetam was constructed as a separate temple in 1974 as per Arul Thiru Amma’s instructions. The idols of the Seven Virgin Mothers were set up on the corresponding Peetams, and Adhiparasakthi in the form of Arul Thiru Amma, instilled Her divine Shakti power into each one of them with Her Divine Glance.
The seven virgin Goddesses are the female counterparts (Shakthi) of their male Gods (Brahma, Maheswaran, Kumaran, Yeman / Yama, Indran). The masculine part of these Gods are said to be dormant without the female counterparts (Activating Forice / Shakthi).
- Brahmi – is the creative force of Lord Brahma and is the destroyer of desires.
- Maheswari – is the activating force of Lord Shiva and is the destroyer of anger
- Kowmaari – is the activating force of Lord Muruga and is the destroyer of greed.
- Vaishnavi – is the activating force of Lord Vishnu and is the destroyer of ignorance.
- Varaahi – is the activating force of Lord Yama and is the destroyer of self-pride.
- Indrani – is the activating force of Lord Indra and is the destroyer of jealousy.
- Chamundi – represents an aspect of the Divine Mother’s energy and is the destroyer of sins.
In the Devi Mahaatmiyam (see below) she destroys two evil demons (asuras), Chanda and Munda.
The significance of these Goddesses in Hinduism is mentioned in various Hindu scripts, two of the most prominent being Varaha Purana and Devi Mahaatmiyam.
Naga peedam (5-headed cobra snake with deity seated on it)
Naga Peedam is situated behind the Putrumandapam. Upon worshipping the deity in the Naga Peedam by lighting lemon lamp, the devotees can gain the benefits of worshipping three Godesses Kanchi Kamakshi, Kasi Visalakshi and Madurai Meenakshi thereby nullifying family related problems and fostering unity within the family members.
Arutkoodam (his holy abode)

This Divine place is situated in the North west corner of the Siddhar Peedam. Here devotees perform Padha Pooja to His Holiness for getting the blessings and Divine guidance to get rid of their personal problems.
Adharvana Badhra Kaali

In July 1978,AMMA stated in Her Oracle, "Son the world has come to a very deplorable state, where black magic and voodoo is being practiced heavily. In such a state of affairs, a lot of innocent people suffer. The great many people who get caught in the web of this evil are coming to this place seeking relief. This is a place of devotion and spiritualism. Although it is not improper for them to come here, in order to continue to promote spiritualism without time being wasted in attending to them, construct the Adharvana Badhra Kaali (Furious form of Mother Adhiparasakthi to fight the evils). The people afflicted by evil spirits will be relieved off them, if they worship me in this form.” Hence the idol was installed on 9th February 1979.
Unique Features of the Temple

"So many Yogis have remained in the state of yoga for many years, wishing to get my sight. All their effort is futile. But many of the devotees who sincerely and unselfishly performed the duties that I assigned, have seen me in one form or the other. When you shoulder the responsibilities of serving humanity with devotion as ordained by Me I am with you always. Do not give up this easy path of reaching God."
Although the Siddhar Peetam is referred to as the Adhiparasakthi Temple, there are no religious codes that bind those who attend nor are there other Gods or Goddesses as found in other Hindu Temples. People of all faiths visit the Temple at various times and recite their own Holy scriptures as Amma states that whatever scripture is read or mantra said, all prayers are ultimately received by the unifying divine embodiment that is Adhiparasakthi. Visiting devotees are therefore not required to convert their religion.
Another unique feature of the Temple is that there are no priests to conduct the daily prayers. The devotees themselves enter the sanctum sanctorum and perform the various rituals advised by Adhiparasakthi through Her Oracles.
Importance to Women in the Movement

A special feature of the Om Sakthi Movement is the distinctive role and respect that women hold within it. Being an incarnation of Adhiparasakthi the Supreme Brahman, Adigalar looks upon all women as a visible manifestation of the Divine Mother.
Thus, He expects devotees to show the same reverence for all women, regardless of age or status, and is sensitive to the suffering of women. Adigalar advises that if the woman is spiritual, her family will be spiritual, which will flow through to spiritualising the village, the city, the country, and the world at large.