The Holy-shrine Arulmigu Adhiparasakthi Siddhar Peedam is situated at Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu, which is 92 kms south of Chennai on the NH-45. This place is being considered as holy for the past 2000 years. In this is place where 21 Siddhars, men and women, have their Jeeva Samadhi. These Siddhars belongs to various religions. This is the Holy Land where a lady Siddhar resides and blesses.
The Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Spiritual Movement(MASM) acts as a vehicle to spread Mother Adhiparasakthi’s divine messages to the world and serve humanity by helping those in need. Our Guru, lovingly known as Amma (Tamil for mother), is the guiding light and spiritual force of the movement. Amma is the embodiment of simplicity, love, compassion and sacrifice.
The principle preaching is “One Mother, One Humanity”. That is, the greatest form of worshipping God is through service to one and all irrespective of caste, creed, community, religion, gender, status or education.
The movement is therefore engaged in numerous spiritual, charitable and educational activities through the Adhiparasakthi Charitable Medical Educational Cultural Trust, and continually urges its devotee’s worldwide to take an active stance in helping those in need.

In 1966, a severe cyclonic storm ravaged the land around Maruvathur and uprooted this tree, exposing the Swayambu (a self-emerging, naturally formed oval-shaped rock form) beneath.
The Supreme power who revealed ‘Itself’ in the form of the Swayambu proclaimed that ‘It’ had transmigrated into His Holiness Bangaru Adigalar and would give oracles through Him to save the world, through promoting devotion and spiritual growth.
Consequently, around midnight, Adigalar awoke from his sleep and stated that he wished to mark the site where He was going to reside and indicated that those who were bold enough could accompany him.
Adigalar left the house, prostrated and rolled on the ground until he reached the location of the Swayambu and where the current temple is now situated. He declared to his father, Thiru. Gopal Naicker, a shrine should be constructed at that site.
Thereafter, Adigalar attended school as usual, taught his pupils and the days rolled by. The spot pointed out by Adigalar was cleared of bushes, a thatched shed laid and Thiru. Gopala Naicker began daily prayers and worship at the makeshift shrine.
This shrine was initially known as ‘Kali shrine’ as Adigalar looked very ferocious, with large eyes and projected a drooping tongue, a whip and trident in the left hand and neem leaf in the right hand.

In 1971, the first Oracle was given through Adigalar from that location and the Power prophesied that,
'Its descending to earth was as a Mother and She should be worshipped as the Goddess Adhiparasakthi and the world would go through a spiritual revolution and a New Renaissance would emerge.'
In the early period, Amma uttered oracles to those who directly approached Her. Those who were bound for the weekly markets on seeing the temple would stop their cars and put money in the donation box. To such people, Amma called them voluntarily and would speak to them in Her Divine state. Unfortunately, many people did not realise the significance of Amma’s oracle and took Her divine words lightly. Amma also faced a lot of opposition from the villagers of Sothupakkam, who warned Thiru. Gopala Niacker stating, “Your son makes prophesies to the closely known and not to others. He declares everything in public. Give him a warning to be careful.”
Adigalar however continued to lead a family life combined with this spiritual practice. His daily routine involved taking a bath in the well near the temple, worship at the Swayambu, attend school and then pronounce divine oracles on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays to the chosen few fortunate souls.

Initially the Swayambu alone was worshipped for many years in the shrine. Thereafter on 25th November 1977, the idol of Mother Adhiparasakthi was installed in the sanctum sanctorum. Mother Adhiparasakthi instructed the unique form of this idol through Her oracles. The idol is one metre tall, seated on a thousand-petal lotus seat, with Her right leg folded and the left leg resting on the lotus petal. The thousand-petal lotus signifies meditation. She holds the bud of a lotus in Her right hand and in Her left hand the mudra (sign) of knowledge. Her hair is plaited and knotted upwards like a crown.