“When righteousness He is believed to be a POORNA AVATAR (holding all 16 qualities of an Avatar) and the incarnation of the Supreme power – ADHIPARASAKTHI. in the world gives place to unrighteousness, I will descend to Earth and be born there to restore righteousness once again.” ~ Amma’s Oracle
Arul Thiru Bangaru Adigalar was born on March 3rd, 1941 at Melmaruvathur village to Sri .Gopala Naicker and Tmt.Meenakshi Ammal. He was the second child, and has a younger brother and a sister.
He is believed to be a POORNA AVATAR (holding all 16 qualities of an Avatar) and the incarnation of the Supreme power – ADHIPARASAKTHI.
The term ‘AVATAR’ means one who has descended to Earth in human form from the Spiritual Realm or God form to re-establish righteousness in the world and preserve the human race. Mother Adhiparasakthi, in her boundless grace, has therefore come down to this physical plane and taken human form as Sri.Adigalar, to re-establish virtue and instill spirituality, by making an example of Herself.
From a very early age, there were signs to show that H.H was not an ordinary child. In the Indian tradition, snake is considered to be fearful and also considered as representative of the divine. Sri.Gopala Naicker family saw enough evidence of the presence of the divine amidst before H.H. had reached puberty.
But soon, other evidence became manifest.
When he was a young boy, he was sleeping alone, and his family went about their way, doing their daily chores. When his mother peeped through the window to see if all was fine, she was shocked to see a king cobra coiled around the child and she screamed. Sri Gopala Naicker, who was outside talking to someone, rushed in and was stunned at the sight. The snake and the boy seemed to be playing ! He prayed even as others looked for sticks to kill the snake with. “Oh Divine Mother, don’t harm the child. He is yours. Save him,” Sri.Gopal Naicker prayed calmly. The snake seemed satisfied with the game and left the boy unharmed.
There is a Goddess Mariamman temple right across Sri.Gopal Naicker’s house. Every year ,the family would conduct special festivals for the Amman. That year when – H.H was a still young, school-going boy, they were celebrating the annual festival when suddenly the Divine possessed the young boy.
“Son!” he addressed his father, perplexing the elder man. Sri.Gopal Naicker was too naive to realise the power of the visitation. But, realising that the Divine was addressing him he respectfully heard her out as she said , “ through your son, i will wipe out the sorrow of the people. I shall bless the people with Divine words using your son as my vehicle.”
Still stunned Sri.Gopal Naicker asked but what about his education? “Don’t worry about education. I shall take care of that,” She assured him. Suddenly, the boy grabbed the heavy brass plate used for performing Deepa Aaradhana and twisted it with ease– an impossible task for a boy of that age.
Humbled by this display of power, Sri.Gopal Naicker’s immediately said, “If you live on my lands, then we will be able to construct a temple and conduct festivals easily.” “So be it,” She replied instantly.
He had been much attached to his elder sister, who died of smallpox at a young age. Every day he would visit the site where she was buried. That day too, on returning from school he stuffed his pockets with roasted peanuts that his mother has made for him and headed for the spot. For a long time he sat there munching the peanuts. As evening shadows lengthened he started feeling thirsty. Though there were wells nearby, since he did not know to swim, he hesitated. Suddenly, an elderly woman who passed that way approached H.H. and offered water to quench the boy’s thirst. He did drink water and slaked his thirst. He was surprised to meet a woman at an untimely hour and when he raised his head alas! There was no one there, As Gnanasambandar the child saint was fed with celestial milk by goddess Parvathi, He offered water by the almighty goddess. It was the first gesture by all powerful goddess.
Once his parents took him to a temple festival a toy seller asked him what toy he wanted to buy and he to pointed to one it was Devi Bhuvaneshwari and the idol became the first object of devotion.
In those days, chicken pox was associated with the Divine mother, and it was the custom to read aloud the Mariyamman Thalattu(lullaby) in front of the patient. He was called by one and all in the village to do the honor because of his extreme involvement when reading out the passages describing the mother.
Many years later, when he was training to become a teacher, he experienced many different emotions thanks to the guidance of the mother. But the friends thought he was joking when tried talking to them about it. Several times he had fallen down because of the trance – like state he would get into.
After completing the teacher’s training course he got a job as a teacher in Arapedu village near Achirupakkam.

“It is because Adigalar is a Family Saint that it gives credit to this Spiritual Organisation. It is best for you to participate in this spiritual movement as husband and wife". ~ Amma’s oracle
On 4th September 1968, Adigalar married Selvi.Lakshmi, the ninth daughter of Sri. Venkatachala Naicker and Srimathi Vishalakshi of Uthiramerur. They have two sons and two daughters who are also heavily involved in the Movement. The greatness of this Avatar lies in practising spirituality even as a family man.

One day Arul Thiru AMMA told HER Bearded son / Thaadi Paalagan (Dr T.P. Meenakshi Sundaram) and another devotee well versed in scriptures:
“Son the time has come to raise Baalagan (Young son – term Adigalar was referred to in the early period by Adhiparasakthi) into a sage. The Acharya Abhishekam (Holy Bath and Initiation into Guruhood) should be done to Baalagan on the night of 13th April 1979 and completed by early dawn of 14th April 1979. Make the necessary arrangements to perform the ceremony.”
The Acharya Abhishekam is usually performed to a spiritually advanced person who has attained a level fit to be initiated to become a Guru or Spiritual teacher. To such a one, his own Guru or another highly advanced soul give initiation through holy Mantras (hymns) and the Abhishekam (Holy bath).
Arul Thiru AMMA directed the Bearded son and the other devotee to perform this sacred ceremony and assigned them respective duties through detailed instructions. Whenever there was any doubt in their mind, She used to appear in their dreams and clarify them. She had told them the details of the rituals and prayers of ‘Maha Shodasi Mantra’, Nyasa, Avarna and others to be adopted in the process.
When the preliminary arrangements were being undertaken, such as getting sacred waters from the rivers of India, drawing the Chakras (geometric patterns) and conducting various poojas including Kalasa pooja (Sacred pot filled with Holy water ritual worship), Arul Thiru AMMA told the Bearded son and the devotee:
"I myself shall come and accept your Abhishekam”.

Adigalar started his oracle from 1970. By His oracle, he solved the problems of many who came to Him for solution. Through the oracle, AMMA spread the faith in God and Spiritualism, give spiritual philosophy, cured many families from their disease and their curses.
At present, oracles are said on tuesdays, fridays, sundays, new moon and full moon days, as well as on siddhar peedam festivals.